Wednesday 31 August 2011


I am on the last lap of completing my book on epiphyllum the book covers how to get, grow, flower and propagate epiphyllum with reviews of over 100 hybrids with cultural information on each one and much much more. I have tried to make the book as comprehensive as I can so I hope someone will like it.
The book will be available as a CD and E-book and a printable book in a few weeks time. I have grown these wonderful plants since I was aged 10 when my mother gave me ten cuttings as a christmas present as you gave me a lifelong adiction to these intrigingly beautiful plants. I have asked some of the worlds best growers and hybridisers to critically review my book and I thank them very much for their help.
The book is for anyone it takes you from the begining to the most experienced growers and I hope all will get something from the book. I plan future books covering hybridisers and the results of their work and of course more pictures and cultural note on more and more hybrids. If you want details of my book post a message and I will send further information as soon as it is available.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Mike Burridge

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Kiwi Hybrids

Kiwi Hybrids

Today I potted the last cutting that has eventually rooted from my 49 Kiwi Hybrids. Most are beginning to send out side shoots, so very soon I will be offering rooted cuttings of these wonderful hybrids. It was strange to get cuttings in the middle of our winter when my plants are totally dormant but of course it is the middle of summer in their home in New Zealand. So when spring arrived here they were confused. but now they are happy and acclimatized to the changes seasons here and are making growth. I am sure that next year they will be fully acclimatised and will make a lot of growth.

I am thinking about hiring new greenhouse space as I want to devote space to Kiwi Hybrids  and another to Castle Hybrids I don't really have enough space left in my garden to put up a fourth or fifth greenhouse. Maybe I should go live in a large greenhouse it would save time!


Photo courtsey of

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Blooming soon...

I am excited that after three years of photographing, writing, drawing and learning all manner of new computer skills I have almost finished my book on growing Epiphyllyum.

The book covers how hybrids came about and how to grow this wonderful plant, it also includes: where to get them from, what to do if things go wrong, and a review with cultural notes, photos and descriptions of over 100 hybrids.

I found that there was a lack of basic guides to help me with my lovely plants and I have learned a lot by trial and error so I decided to write down what I know and what I discovered. I have included as many photos of how to do things as I can so that you can see the methods I have found to work and how to make the wonderful plants flower their socks off.

Anyone interested in my book, please let me know, and I will make sure you know when and how it is available.

The orchid flowered cacti
A guide to growing Epiphyllum

By Mike Burridge

Provisory book cover

Monday 1 August 2011

London Epiphyllums: Welcome to our blog

We are enthusiasts about epiphyllums, everyone can grow the Orchid Flowered succulents as they don’t require much attention and when they flower they will make you an enthusiast too.

So, what do we offer on our website? We have plants and cuttings of these wonderful plants. We have a full list of the hybrids we offer which you can access from the links below.

Epiphyllums originate from the rain forests of South America and have become very popular because they tolerate a level of neglect and  will still grow and reward you with wonderful flowers.

There are now some 1300 hybrids, we can only offer some of them which we hope you enjoy.

To visit our official website, please click here.